Q. Are you really buying an island?
A. No, at least not yet. For now the choice is looking to be a campground in Ohio.
Q. Where is Juggalo Island?
A. The prospective property is 50 minutes from Cleveland in Wellington OH.
Q. What does shareholder mean?
A. A shareholder is an investor in a company that buys a piece of the company.
Q. What proof will I get to show I own this company?
A. You will receive a paid invoice on our website you can print or download. Payment History In the future, we will have stock certificates printed for our shareholders.
Q. What do I get for being an owner?
A. Perks of ownership starts with free forum access to our upcoming website, and a vote in how the company is ran, and by whom it is ran by and which property we are buying plus profits back in the form of a dividend when we are earning a profit.
Q. What if something changes along the way and I don’t like how the project is turning out?
A. We have a 100% money back guarantee. If you decide you don’t like the direction of the project, you can have all your money back.
Q. What is a dividend?
A. A dividend is a payment from a company to its shareholders to thank it for investing in the company. Almost all companies pay a portion of the profits back to shareholders. Think of it as getting paid back for lending a homie money, except you get it paid back as long as you own it.
Q. How do I know this project will make money?
A. The first choice property is already making about $220,000 a year. If we can make it a music venue and expand the campground, it is felt we can make much more per year. When the profits for the place goes back to the shareholders, you can spend it however you want.
Q. Why doesn’t ICP just buy this for us?
A. We wouldn’t feel like we own it if someone bought it for us. We want it, we should earn it. No free rides!
Q. Won’t this be seized as gang property?
A. We hope not, we are not a gang and this company is open to public ownership. Further, our shareholders are anonymous under Wyoming state law. If the property was unfairly categorized, our shareholders list will remain private. We hope to have enough money to afford legal representation in the unlikely event that this property faced legal trouble.