UPDATE ….This property is sold. 🙁
EDIT Price reduced recently to $1,420,000 !
2 hours north of Legend Valley. 50 Minutes from Cleveland.
150 days of the season times 629 spots and maybe $20 a day? With a sales force that is growing daily we will fill this campground at 100% occupancy for more than $1.8 million in income. Add the venue we will own next door at 17,000 person capacity. If we can keep that place packed with our massive and growing commissioned sales agents doing some easy copy and paste promoting we can set our rate. You want to make $10 after costs per customer? That is 17,000x $10= $170,000 per event after costs. Lets host one of those a week in season and have $170,000 X 20 nights= $3.4 million
$3.4 million plus $1.8 million= $5,200,000 a year. Lets do this!
Ohio 200 acre property photo set below
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